Why Cleopatra met Caesar

Alex Mann
4 min readJul 25, 2022

Egypt is a whole thing- it’s complex.

Important stuff 1

Alexander arrived in Egypt in 332 BC. He did his thing and conquered Egypt. After his death, one of his Generals, Ptolomy, would take control of the Egyptian throne. From here on out, Egyptian Pharaohs (now called Kings) were Greek. The Ptolemy’s were big on inbreeding which helped keep the power in the family.

Cleopatra was not the 1st Cleopatra- she was Cleopatra VII (7th).

No Cleopatra was not having an easy few years in Egypt. Her brother and husband (maybe) Ptolemy XIII wanted control. The two began to fight a Civil War in the streets of Alexandria.

Cleopatra was a genius. She was politically sharp, charming, spoke 9 languages, and had a feel for court politics. That said Cleopatra was no warrior- not even remotely.

Pretty soon Cleopatra was defeated and had to abandon Alexandria for Thebes with a number of her troops. She and her sister Arsinoe made their way to Roman Syria where they planned to invade from. They were soon blocked by the army of Ptolemy XIII.

This is where Caesar enters the picture.

Important stuff 2

Rome and Egypt had a complex relationship. The last King of Egypt was Ptolemy XII Auletes (they all have the same name). He had been exiled for a time and hung around in Rome where he took a liking to Roman culture. When Ptolemy XII Auletes returned to power he realized that Rome could be a powerful ally and stabilizing force for Egypt. So he left 2 stipulations in his will when he died.

  1. Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIII were to rule jointly
  2. The people of Rome were executors of the will

This basically made Egypt a Roman vassal. Rome had now been invited, by the King, to oversee and protect the reign of Ptolemy and Cleopatra. Now Rome didn’t really press this issue. Rome did however lend tons of money to the Egyptian King which helped him maintain his throne.

Important stuff 3

Caesar’s enemy, Pompey Magnus arrived in Egypt hoping for an army and some help beating Caesar. Instead, his head was cut off.

Caesar arrived shortly after and was given the head of Pompey by Ptolemy XIII. Caesar was not happy about this. His plan was to bring Pompey back as an ally and subordinate, signaling to Rome that everyone was ok and everyone was on Caesar’s side.

So Caesar and Ptolemy XIII did not get along from the start. Then things get really complex.

Caesar occupies the Royal Quarter with his troops, saying he is gonna hang around until the massive debt Egypt owes Rome is paid. Caesar needed money and he hoped to get it here. So Caesar was basically occupying the Royal Quarter with his troops awaiting payment.

Pretty soon Alexandria revolted and a full-on siege broke out. After lots of brutal fighting Caesar released Ptolemy XIII with the promise that Ptolemy XIII would calm the crowd and help find a peaceful solution to all this mess. Once out Ptolemy XIII egged the crowd on and things got worse.

Cleopatra, who had ears everywhere, is well aware of these details and decides to meet Caesar. She is smuggled into his room and the two meet face to face. Most accounts say she seduced him which makes sense. Cleopatra may or may not have been beautiful but she was smart, of royal blood, and capable. Caesar loves capable people.

Cleopatra is in a tough spot here. This meeting with Caesar is not for fun. This is a political movie and she has goals.

  1. Get herself on the throne
  2. Get rid of Ptolemy XIII and his court
  3. Make an ally out of Rome

This is tricky. Rome is far stronger than Egypt and everyone knows it. Cleopatra has to assert power without actually having any. Long story short, she nails it. She starts up a political and romantic alliance with Caesar and the two become very close.

Caesar wins the siege, kills Ptolemy XIII in battle, and puts Cleopatra on the throne. The 2 then tour Egypt in a big love boat (literally). This signals that Rome supports Cleopatra and this is enough to keep her in power.

Egypt retains a degree of autonomy (more than expected) and Cleopatra has her power base totally secured.

The answer is over. I am just putting this up as a PSA. I started a patreon where I am doing new stuff. I was going to make all my answers free but Quora really doesn’t like that. So I am going to post every answer for free on Medium so everyone can read it, spread the word. Love you all

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Thanks to my friends and supporters like Shirish Phatak and Tom Vogel and thanks to all of you here.



Alex Mann

I’ll make it fast. I am a historian by trade. M.A in History. I specialize in all things Roman but at this point I study all sorts of history.